Who are the most influential MEPs overall?
Below we are showing who are the top 70 (or top 10%) most influential MEPs out of the total 751 at this point in time.
The President of the European Parliament is the most influential MEP overall. Martin Schulz scored a total of 55 points because of his key role as the head of the institution. The second and third most influential MEPs are the leaders of the two main political groups, the German Manfred Weber (EEP leader) and Italian Gianni Pittella (S&D leader). Weber and Pittella are also members of the largest national delegations within their groups and their parties are currently in the government in Germany and Italy, respectively.
The fourth most influential MEP is the Italian chair of the Environment & public health committee, Giovanni La Via (EPP), who contributed to shaping a high number of legislative dossiers, as ENVI is one of the busiest committees in the EP. The British Conservative Timothy Kirkhope (ECR) is number five, thanks to his high score in terms of rapporteurhsip of important files, such as the report of retention of Passenger Name Records (PNR). After Kirkhope, the Polish Conservative Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) is number six thanks to a combination of influence on budgetary reports and his role as Vice President of the EP.
The German S&D Bernd Lange, chair of the powerful Committee on International Trade, is seventh. He also drafted the report on the controversial TTIP negotiations. The current chair of the Committee on Industry, research and energy and former EP president, the Polish Jerzy Buzek (EPP), is the eighth most influential MEP. The top 10 is completed by another Polish EPP, Jaroslaw Walesa, who is vice-chair of the Committee on Fisheries (PECH) and very prolific in terms of reports, and the German EPP Ingeborg Grassle, chair of the key Budgetary Control Committee (in charge of the discharge of the budget).
Jarosław Wałęsa, fills the third position of this national list based on our influence assessment. He joined the EP in 2009, after a few years spent in the Lower House of Poland (Sejm). Differently from Czarnecki and Buzek, Wałęsa does not hold many positions within the European Parliament, apart from the vice-chairmanship of the Committee on Fisheries. However, Wałęsa has been very active in drafting reports, as he was assigned a high number of rapporteurships on files under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. In particular, he drafted reports on fisheries (in particular regarding the protection of stocks of certain species in the Baltic Sea) and on international trade (with a focus on the imports of products from third countries). - See more at: http://www.votewatch.eu/blog/top-10-most-influential-polish-meps-september-2016/#sthash.zCsfNvDF.dpuf
Read the overall assessment on the most influential MEPs in the European Parliament and the most influential MEPs in Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy .
Also read the separate assessments by country (10 largest member states):
Top 10 most influential MEPs from Germany
Top 10 most influential MEPs from France
Top 10 most influential MEPs from the United Kingdom
Top 10 most influential MEPs from Italy
Top 10 most influential MEPs from Spain
Top 10 most influential MEPs from Romania
Top 5 most influential MEPs from the Netherlands