
New rules for a more fair road transport industry

Driving and rest times, posting of drivers, road transport: on Thursday, the Transport and Tourism Committee will vote on the 'Mobility Package' which foresees new draft rules organising the European transport sector. The EPP Group wants to make sure that illegal practices are tackled and fair and competitive rules are implemented. 

Towards more effective EU Financial Market Supervision

Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs will vote on Thursday on an overhaul of the architecture of the European financial market supervision. The competencies, the structure, the governance and the financing of the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will change. "I want the European financial market supervision to be stronger, more effective and more efficient and to meet the challenges of digitisation and growing interconnectedness of the financial sector", said the EPP Group's Othmar Karas MEP, Parliament's co-rapporteur of the draft law. 

Press Conferences

Friday @ 11.00 hrs: Pre-session briefing

  • Source : eppgroup.eu
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